43% Companies Set to Revolutionize Hiring with AI Interviews by 2024

Companies Set to Revolutionize Hiring

AI has been transforming various aspects of our lives, and now it’s making its way into the hiring process. A survey conducted by Resume Builder has shed light on the growing trend of using AI for job interviews. 

The study reveals that an astonishing 43% of companies are planning to adopt AI interviews by 2024. This shift indicates a significant transformation in the recruitment landscape.

The Rise of AI Interviews

AI interviews involve job candidates engaging with an AI interviewer. Although this practice has been around for a few years, it has yet to become mainstream. However, with the introduction of advanced AI chatbots like ChatGPT and Bard, the recruitment industry is on the verge of a major transformation. 

The increasing popularity and effectiveness of these AI chatbots are driving more companies to consider integrating AI interviews into their hiring processes.

Survey Highlights

Resume Builder conducted a survey, targeting over 1,000 employees involved in hiring processes across different companies. The survey uncovered some interesting findings regarding the use of AI interviews.

  1. 43% of companies have either implemented or plan to adopt AI interviews by 2024.
  2. Among this group, two-thirds believe that AI interviews will enhance hiring efficiency.
  3. 15% of respondents believe AI should make decisions on candidates without any human input.
  4. Over half of the participants anticipate AI eventually replacing human hiring managers.

AI's Role in Decision-Making

Among the 43% of respondents who anticipate using AI interviews by 2024, 15% believe that AI should have the final say in candidate selection, without any human involvement. However, the majority (85%) stated that while AI can provide recommendations, human decision-makers should make the final hiring decisions.

Where AI Fits in the Interview Process

When asked about the specific stage in the hiring process where AI interviews would occur, 65% of respondents stated that it would serve as an early screening tool. Fourteen percent mentioned it as the final step, while 17% considered the AI interview to be the only step in the process.

AI Evaluation Criteria

Regarding the evaluation criteria, 83% of participants stated that AI would assess candidates based on specific job qualifications. Additionally, 40% believed that AI should also evaluate cultural fit.

ATS vs. AI Interviews

In a smaller subset of respondents whose companies currently use both AI interviews and applicant tracking software (ATS), 60% indicated that ATS remains more effective than AI interviews.

Enhancing Hiring Efficiency

The survey explored the perceived efficiency of AI interviews. An impressive 65% of respondents believed that AI interviews would increase hiring efficiency, while only 14% thought that it would decrease efficiency. However, 21% of respondents believed that AI interviews would have no significant effect on hiring efficiency.

Despite the majority’s belief in the efficiency of AI interviews, 79% of respondents expressed concerns that AI interviews might inadvertently screen out qualified candidates more frequently than human interviewers.

The Future of AI in Hiring

Interestingly, 62% of respondents even considered it “very” or “somewhat likely” that AI would eventually replace human hiring managers altogether at their companies. This statistic highlights the growing trust and reliance on AI technology in the recruitment process.


The survey conducted by Resume Builder reveals a significant shift in the hiring landscape, with a considerable number of companies planning to incorporate AI interviews into their hiring processes by 2024.

While the majority of respondents believe that AI interviews can enhance hiring efficiency, there are still concerns about potential drawbacks, such as the unintentional exclusion of qualified candidates. As AI technology continues to evolve, its role in the hiring process is likely to expand further, prompting both excitement and caution among employers and job seekers alike.